water treatment systems carrollton tx

Small Office Water Treatment Systems

Water quality matters! Our systems are designed to provide better water with your customers, clients, patients and tenants in mind. 

water treatment systems carrollton tx

Why does water quality matter for your business?

Think of yourself as the customer, tenant, patient or visitor. No imagine drinking water that the business offers. What would happen if the water that your business provides automatically gives off a bad impression. What part of the water process can you control? What if the water you are drinking affects your health and the health of you visitors?

What is really in the water that your providing to drink, cleaning and more importantly cooking with?

There is truth in knowing what is really in your water. Let our team at TG Water Systems help you with our Free Water Test. 

Learn more about the Quality of Water that you serve your customers

Can you control what the water tastes like?

From a consumer point of view water quality matters. Whether the water is for drinking, washing clothes or just daily use. TG Water Systems has built a strong foundation of water softening and alkaline water systems to enhance the way your water taste and feels. 

Is there really a difference in the way water feels? Absolutely! Hard water feels——

How often is your water system maintained by your city? As we have come to find out not as often as they should be. National reports show that major cities lack proper water treatment and in return its citizens are being given lower quality water. Lower quality water often relates sickness and illness. 

Water Systems for Small Offices & Businesses

Patented, technologically state of the art, and great for the environment! That is what makes TG Water Systems different when it comes to alkaline, water softening, and water purification systems. 

Contaminated Water Systems

What is Unltraviolet Disinfection?

The TG Ultraviolet Series is an effective way to provide safe, bacteria-free, water for your home or office 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The TG Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems are setting the standards for water disinfection requirements in the industry.

What are Hot Water Softeners?

TG Hot Water Series Softeners are an effective way of removing unwanted dissolved contaminates for commercial and industrial applications. The stainless-steel tank supplies treated water without disrupting your water quality when using water as hot as 150 degrees. This series features the option of cold-water regeneration and all stainless-steel internal components

better drinking water dallas, tx

Isn't bottled water better?

The difference is in the quality of the water. Water is not free but as a business you already pay for it. TG Water Systems has analyzed thousands of water samples for business throughout the U.S.A. While the results vary in water purity one common question comes out:

How is your system better than bottled water?

The truth about bottle water is always a conversation that varies in who is telling it. Not all bottled water is created equally. For a business of any size that means hundreds or thousands of dollars in bottle water alone. Think about that – thousands of dollars more for water.

Our systems are designed to provide you clean water by using the water that you are already paying for. That cuts out the need to purchase bottle water all together. TG Water Systems are water enhancers that pay for themselves. 

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